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Dead by Daylight becomes even stressful for killers - and that's bad

killers living in Dead by Daylight is made even harder. They too must soon seek totems to weaken the survivors.

The release of the new Hellraiser chapter in Dead by Daylight was overshadowed by some problems. In addition to the lack of Pinheads Voice Lines and some annoying bugs that players have been found in the tutorial section of the game new information on upcoming content. Thus killer must probably soon looking Totems and destroy them. Time they actually have not.

What was discovered? Shortly after the release of the latest patch, players discovered the information a new description for totems. In addition to the normal and Hex Totem, the killer perks included, there will soon be Boon Totems for the survivors. These totems provide the survivors certain buffs that will probably be more precisely defined by Perks - just as it is the case with the killer. The killer can search this totem and disable by destroying it.

Does the already in the game? No. So far there are entry tutorial only to that survivors Totems can convert into a Boon Totem. Since the information is already in the game, but assumed that the next patch already brings with him a survivor who has this ability.

Why is this a problem? The problem is that killer already have enough to do during the match. You must slow down four survivors simultaneously while retaining the state of the generators in the eye and possibly slow down the progress. all the attention of the killer, who is competing alone against four survivors that alone already requires.

The survivors falls not so much weight when a player is Totems have to worry. This reduces the effectiveness of the group only slightly. However, the killer has his full attention to a matter devote why the four survivors in this time have a free hand to create progress.

More Dead by Daylight on MeinMMO be found here:

  • Dead by Daylight has finally after 5 years real matchmaking
  • Huntress with tunnel vision shows how tough the game can be a killer
  • A player has 200 million blood spots, but you should not be jealous

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community reacts in horror: The message came in pretty bad in the community of Dead by Daylight. Shortly after the information was discovered in the tutorial of the game, it spread like wildfire in the subreddit the game. For most, it is inconceivable that developers Behavior will be more tasks to the killer players.

Bravely_Default writes about:

I swear Behavior tried everything to make killer finally stop spielen. this game

Zestyclose_Limit8282 is very angry:

Lmao, the developers have heard that people want that survivors have more secondary goals because generators are quick to make and they have simply turned 180 ° and more added to the killer need to worry. I do not come to these people klar.

Clearly sarcastic expressed about JackBoxcarBear who got more than 460 upvotes for:

I am really glad they add. A problem that has always struck me when I played killer, was all the time in which I had nothing to do during a match. Generators are slowly repaired and I can easily carry all four survivors at the same pressure, I can almost give a tour of the map before even the threat is that survivors escape könnten.

More secondary targets for Killer, please! It makes things interesting. Also, I love to look for bones. This is much more fun than persecution or anything else! / s

What do you think of this innovation? A cool idea that could be exciting? Or pretty stupid and just not what it should create the game?


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