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Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide: Tips, Tricks and All Collectors

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a PS5 and PS4-indie-action adventure game of the developer Ember Lab. It is a carefree adventure with fighting, platforms and puzzles.

In this Kena: Guide to the bridge of the ghosts , we will sketch everything you need to know about the game. This includes Tips and tricks for beginners , how to open all trophies , and Where do I find all collectibles . If you are looking for all the rot, each bouquet and all the hats, you are right here.

Please note that this guide is still in progress. Check out soon, because we will fill out this and all our other guides when we discover more in Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide: All collectibles

In Kena: Bridge of Spirits there are many collectibles to find. The map in the game pursues its overall progress in these collectibles, but does not point where they are. If you are looking for all collectibles, we will go down below.

Verrat: The red is a kind of cute little forest spirit, which Kena gathered to help her in her search. These little beings will hide everywhere - under tree trunks and stones, in engraved panels and sometimes in chests. Normally you have to pulsate (L1) and then press triangle to collect them. Hats: As if the red was not yet sweet enough, you can decorate the little black buddies with hats. These are also available everywhere in the game, often in chests. You will also be given to you if you find hat trolleys (where you can buy and equip the found hats) and sometimes rewards for solving puzzles or coworking challenges. Bouquets: There are special statues around the world that are called bouquets. If you find them for the first time, they are covered with corruption, but they can eliminate this with a forest cruise. After cleaning, you will usually get a series of gemstones from floral scrits. Ghostspost: Ghostpost is post that was not delivered lost souls. These well-hidden objects appear in the world as golden sacks and will appear in the course of the game in small numbers. Once you have found one, a delivery point is marked on your card and a new area is unlocked. Curved chests: Normally, chests have a blue emblem on the front, but sometimes you will find one with an orange emblem. These are cursed chests, and before you can access the content, you must have a combat challenge. Meditation places: You will find meditation points to the most picturesque places of the game. These well-hidden areas enable Kena to meditate, which increases its maximum health permanently. A great help against some of the harder enemies of the game! Gemstones: Gemstones can be found everywhere in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. These gems are found in pots, hanging decorations, chests and more and are used to buy hats at Carts that can wear red. Karma: Karma is another currency that you get quite often. Awarded for various actions, such as defeating enemies, the elimination of corruption made of flower scrits and the restoration of the world in general. Karma is used to unlock upgrades for Kenas skills.

The map of the game is divided into different regions, each with their own checklists for collectibles.

All collectible sites

Below is a list of all regions in Kena: Bridge of Spirits, with instructions where you can find all collectibles in any place.

Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All ruins collectibles Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All village collectibles Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All collectibles of TaRos tree Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All Rusu Mountain Collectibles Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All forgotten forest collectors

Checklists for collectibles

Here are some checklist instructions for any kind of collectibles in Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All red locations Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All Hatstandorte Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All sites of the flower scrumber Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: all spirit mail locations Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All locations of the cursed chest Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: All places of meditation places

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide: Notes, Help and FAQs

In this part of our Kena: Guide to the bridge of the ghosts , we have information about PS5 and PS4 trophies, frequently asked questions and more.


Kena: Bridge of Spirits: all trophies and how to get the platinum

Frequently asked Questions

Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: How long does it take to beat? Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: How to switch the difficulty degree Master Spirit Guide? Kena: Bridge of the ghosts: What are the differences between PS5 and PS4 versions?

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

In this section of our Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide we have some general tips, tricks and advice for new players. Read these to be a step ahead of the curve.

Collect as many collectibles as you can find

The special feature of the collector s pieces of Kena: Bridge of Spirits is that they all benefit one way or another. If you find more of the red creatures, you will help in combat and puzzles and ascend them. The restoration of flower scrits will reward you with karma, with which you can buy upgrades. Meditation poses increase your health permanently. Spirit Mail will open new places for exploring. Beware are ... Well, actually do nothing, but they are sweet. The point is that pretty much everything serves in the game for a purpose, so it s great advantage to explore and find everything.

Get the Rothammer upgrade

Seriously, the red hammer upgrade is worth it. Save your karma and get this upgrade - it s super powerful, especially at the beginning of the game. It turns its serious attack into a massive, through-rotated hammer, which can attack from a distance. The other upgrades are also great, but this will protect your skin from mini-bosses.

The red are very practical in the fight

Although the red hammer is very good, remember that the red can help you in many other species. During a fight, they slowly build courage that works on a red action. If the rot is ready, you can directly harm enemies, find blue flowers that heal them, and yes, amplify some of their attacks. It is easy to forget that these options are available to you, but they will be invaluable if they go through the game and fight their toughest fighting.

Use warp stones to quickly travel around the world

Kena: Bridge of Spirits do not really tell you that, but on key points in the game world there are big stones that you can quickly travel. These warpstones are a bit like the joy fire in Dark Souls; You can use them to handle much faster on the map than running back all the way.

The photo mode has a SAG cheese button

We have added this to fun, but it s true. Kena: Bridge of Spirits has a photom mode - which allows you to access the D-Pad by pressing UP - and after you have pressed L1 to pick up the action, you can say to all characters in the picture that you can put in the camera Look and smile by pressing X pretty adorable.

That makes it for our Kena: Guide to the Bridge of Ghosts . Hopefully it helped you to explore this beautiful game and world. Like Kena: Bridge of Spirits? Leave more tips and tricks in the comment area below.


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