The Rising of the Shield Hero (Jap. 盾 の の の の 成り上がり Tate No Yūsha No Nariagari) is a 2019 anime series of animation studio Kinema Citrus, which is based on the Light Novel series Tate No Yūsha No Nariagari by Aneko Yusagi. The anime follows the 20-year-old student and Otaku Naofumi Iwatani, which is transported by a spell into another world and henceforth tries to save this world as a hero of the shield. The first season, which includes 25 episodes, was shown between January 9, 2019 and June 26, 2019 in Japanese television. Crunchyroll showed the series the same day in the simulcast with German subtitles. For North America, a version synchronized in English appeared in addition to the OMU version at Crunchyroll.
On this occasion, Pokémon Go not only will be responsible for celebrating Halloween, but a special event of the day of the dead will be held next week. From 1 to 2 November, players will have the opportunity to capture a specific list of creatures, and obtain different thematic items.
Between these two days, the lure and incense modules will increase its duration to 90 minutes and the collection of Catch Stardust will be doubled. For those in Latin America and the Caribbean, there will also be Bonus of Transfer Sweets.
Along with this, Cubone, Sunkern, Murkrow, Houndour, Sableye, Roselia, Sunflora, Drifloon and Yamask will be more common during these days. Finally, during this event a t-shirt is available with a design inspired by chopped paper, as well as a free event box in the store, 20 Poke Balls, an incense and an avatar t-shirt of the Dead Day.
Remember that The Event of the Day of the Dead in pokémon Go will take place from November 1 to 2. On related topics, a young man spent his Covid-19 insurance on Pokémon cards. Similarly, Universal Studios Japan announces collaboration with this franchise.
Editor s note:
It is good to see that the day of the dead has improved its representation internationally. This is a great opportunity to return to pokémon Go and on the way to enjoy some traditional sweets of the time.
Via: Pokémon Go
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