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Lost Ark: Tips and Tricks in the Beginner Guide for the new online

  1. This transparent card is your best friend

  2. Changes the color of your mouse pointer

  3. From Level 50 the "right" game starts

  4. Escape quickly from dungeons

  5. Check your Roster menu

  6. Solves your different rewards

  7. Do not waste your healing drinks

  1. Increases your visibility

  2. Get your awakening skill

  3. Does not throw your old equipment away

Lost Ark has finally appeared. With our entry-level tips for the MMORPG you are prepared for the first steps.

This transparent card is your best friend

Changes the color of your mouse pointer

In Lost Ark you will see for example in the Chaos Dungeon with a Horde on monsters. Since it can happen quickly that you lose sight of your mouse pointer, which is of course not optimal in a game of this kind. So that your mouse pointer picks up a little from the background, you can change its color in the game settings. Also, the color of your mouse pointer changes when you hold down the Ctrl key, and scroll with your mouse wheel through the different configurations.

From Level 50 starts the "right" game

escaped quickly from dungeons

The main quest of Lost Ark will often send you into a dungeon to drive the action. There are two ways to leave one after a successful completion. Either you call your Song menu using the F2 button and plays the Song of Escape, or you typed simply "/ escape" in the chat of the game. Hereby you released the dungeon instantly without having to play a song in front of it. However, this function has a cooldown of 20 minutes.

Checks your Roster menu

Lost Ark has two different levels systems. On the one hand, there is the level of the character you just plays. Your Roster Level, on the other hand, is, so to speak, your account level on your current server. With every level of steps, a few useful bonuses, such as five additional points, wave to your skill, and occasionally even skill pots that give you a few additional talent points. However, to get these bonuses, you must first redeem them in the Roster menu. So you should not forget to occasionally throw a look into the menu.

Solves your different rewards

You should also not forget the different collection items and daily systems of the game. For example, you can make a gift every day through the rapport system every day, show a specific emote, or play a song to increase your affection to you. Here are a few nice rewards, which is why you should start as early as possible. Incidentally, you can see that a character is part of the rapport system that a pink heart is above him.

Do not waste your healing drinks

Increases your sight

Get your awakening skill

As soon as the level 50 has been reached, each class receives access to their so-called "awakening skill". You can imagine this like a kind of ultimate ability, with matching, quite long cooldown. To unlock this ability, you only have to travel to Trixion, and take the associated quest of Beatrice. Incidentally, every class receives two more awakening skills in the course of the game, but you can only activate one at the same time.

Do not throw your old equipment away

To unlock new PVE content in Lost ARK, you have to enhance your equipment so that it receives a higher item level. As soon as you have upgraded all equipment 15 times, you will release the next higher level of content. Currently there are three levels of content, called T1, T2, and finally T3. As soon as you reach a new animal, you also get a completely new set of equipment that you have to recreate. Although your old items are useless, but at least you can recover some of the materials that you used for their appreciation. For this purpose, you only need to use the "recycling" option in the associated NPC.

10 Tips Beginners NEED to Know - Lost Ark Beginners Guide Of course, the world of Lost Ark offers much more content, and during your playing time you will certainly discover the one or the other useful function. But now you are at least prepared for all the owners of a pioneer package \ - at least for the publication on February 11 at 18 o'clock and on February 8th.

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